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9 types of print to help you reopen your business

Published: 15 May 2020
9 types of print to help you reopen your business

Australia is getting ready to get back to business. The question is: are you? Print essentials can help reassure your customers, staff and visitors that you're raring to go but safely, of course. To help, we have put together a suggested range of printing needs to help support your business during the recovery phase. Plus below are nine suggested types of print you'll need to reopen your business and reassure your customers you've got their backs. 

1. Signs in shared spaces

Keep your staff, visitors and customers safe from the moment they enter your premises. Putting a safety information sign on a big, bold placard in shared spaces can be a really helpful reminder.

2. Elevator signs

Going up in an elevator gives your visitors a few vital seconds to think. Help them think about their safety by putting a few dos and don'ts on a notice near the elevator buttons. This could include things like reminders not to touch the floor numbers with their fingers and, for example, use an elbow or key instead.

3. Signs in amenities

Inside a bathroom you're guaranteed to have people's undivided attention. It can't hurt to have a sign reminding them to wash their hands thoroughly and for 20 consecutive seconds to kill any germs.

4. Meeting room signage

If you're implementing an increased cleaning regime or recommending people sit at least 1.5m apart in a meeting room, get a sign to point this out. Roll-up banners, for example, are big, hard to ignore and have a long 'shelf-life'.

5. Drop them a note

Remind your customers you're open for business with a helpful mail-out, such as flyers, direct mail or a personalised invitation, including your new opening times, contact details and perhaps even a 'welcome back' special to entice them to swing by.

6. Put a 'Welcome back' sign outside

If you are open for business, your customers will want to know. And now that foot traffic in your area is likely to increase again, help them remember you're there and happy to serve them with a big, friendly sign.

7. Give away stickers to make them smile

Stickers allow you to really get creative. From safety-conscious stickers to put on a car, on door handles or even on their phone to remind people not to touch their face, to friendly or inspiring slogans, stickers can make it easier for people to think of you.

8. Greetings cards

Reach out to old and new customers with personalised items. You can print and post a heartfelt card (classic, traditional, funny or customised) to make them feel welcome, appreciated or just excited.

9. Easy-wipe or disposable print-outs

Keep it clean, keep it safe. If there are printed items in your premises that make the rounds a lot, such as menus, it might be time to make them COVID-safe. Finishes, like lamination, can help make those items easy to clean and reuse. Alternatively, your customers, clients or employees may feel more comfortable with disposable prints that can either be recycled or taken home for the memory box.
Whatever you need to get business going again, print is here to support you along the way and help your customers and team adjust to the new norm.

Find a Snap Centre near you to learn more about how print can help you reopen your business.

Author:Snap Print & Design
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