Tender documents

Take the 'tenderness' out of stressful tenders

Just saying the word 'tenders' can bring a chill down one's spine. All the organising, the co-ordinating, the tension. The deadline. Not to mention the hair-pulling (and occasional raised voice, perhaps?).

Imagine preparing a tender and it all works out smoothly. The deadline is met, the finished result looks impressive. Everything goes swimmingly.

It can be done.

Your local Snap Centre to the rescue

Snap have been providing last minute print on demand for decades now. We know that all the hard work you've put into a tender can be ruined with a single lousy print job and even worse the deadline not being met.

Internal printing or professional printer?

Depending on the size of your organisation, you may consider printing the tender in-house, to save money. However, if you've been involved in a tender you'll know that something always goes wrong at the worst possible time.

If you concentrate on the content of your tender, we can help you in a number of ways, including:

  • Design of tender
  • Layout/typesetting
  • Printing
  • Pagination
  • Binding
  • Delivery
  • We'll also ensure that the finished product represents your company by producing the highest quality.

So if you need to submit a tender, call your local Snap Centre, who can help you stand out from the competition.


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