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5 creative policy design ideas

Published: 3 February 2020
5 creative policy design ideas

Company policies are essential for establishing workplace standards in areas such as procedures and codes of conduct. But how many could your employees recall off the top of their heads? Here are five creative design ideas to help infuse them into your office life.

1. Eye-catching handbooks

The truth is, most company policy handbooks aren't exactly page-turners. All too often, you're faced with dry, extremely text-heavy A4 documents that are quickly relegated to the back of a dusty drawer. However, your company policies don't have to meet the same fate

A colourful and creatively designed company policy handbook can help engage your employees and, as a result, reinforce your company values. A conversational tone and visual aids can also help make the content interesting and easy to understand.

2. Pin-up posters

Posters are a great way to communicate some of your key company policies. Not only are they affordable and quick to produce, they can be created in a range of colourful attention-grabbing designs. What's more, you can extend their lifeline by opting for more durable materials and waterproof finishes.

Effective posters usually feature bold, contrasting designs and text large enough to be visible from a distance. So, it's best not to try and squeeze all your policies onto one sheet of paper. It's also important to pin them in the right spots. Generally, they're most likely to be spotted in areas with high foot traffic, such as corridors, kitchens and break rooms.

3. Policy murals

If you're looking to make an even bolder and more permanent statement, why not give your most important policies or mission statement a one-up by assigning them a feature wall. Murals printed on vinyl, for example, can be easily applied to a variety of surfaces and removed without damage at any given time.

Modern and edgy, wall murals have proven popular with big players such as the Google and Airbnb headquarters. Not only do they instantly liven up a bare office wall, they are a great opportunity to infuse your policies into your everyday culture in a memorable way.

4. Desk calendars

Although digital calendars feature more and more in our lives, their printed counterparts are still popular, especially on people's desks. This makes them a great tool for reaffirming your office rules and guidelines.

To make them more relevant, you could choose policies that link well to a particular month, or to key events in your company calendar. For example, include a policy on employee relationships in February when people have Valentine's Day on their mind, and one relating to wellness in July when the winter blues are about to reach their peak.

5. Handy hand-outs

Workshops and other internal events are great ways to share your company policies with new recruits and current staff. They allow people to ask questions and they invite open discussion, which can be a great help when trying to put your company policies into a real-life context.

A range of interesting and well-designed visual aids will keep people engaged. These aids could include slide decks and worksheets, but also props like cut-outs and post-it notes. You could even print keywords and phrases of relevant policies on pens and notepads for people to take away.


From engaging handbooks to arty wall murals and internal events, with creative props, sharing your company policies can become a lot more interesting and memorable for your staff. So, don't be afraid to think a little outside the box.

Want to elevate more parts of your internal communications? Contact our experts at your local Snap Centre.

Author:Snap Marketing
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